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Date : 2009-01-09
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Racing the Beam The Atari Video Computer System Platform ~ A study of the relationship between platform and creative expression in the Atari VCS The Atari Video Computer System dominated the home video game market so completely that “Atari” became the generic term for a video game console The Atari VCS was affordable and offered the flexibility of changeable cartridges
Racing the Beam The Atari Video Computer System Platform ~ Racing the Beam The Atari Video Computer System Platform Studies Kindle edition by Nick Montfort Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading Racing the Beam The Atari Video Computer System Platform Studies
Racing the Beam The MIT Press ~ Racing the Beam The Atari Video Computer System By Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost A study of the relationship between platform and creative expression in the Atari VCS
Racing the Beam The Atari Video Computer System by Nick ~ A study of the relationship between platform and creative expression in the Atari VCS The Atari Video Computer System dominated the home video game market so completely that Atari became the generic term for a video game console The Atari VCS was affordable and offered the flexibility of changeable cartridges
Platform Studies Racing the Beam The Atari Video ~ A study of the relationship between platform and creative expression in the Atari VCS The Atari Video Computer System dominated the home video game market so completely that Atari became the generic term for a video game console The Atari VCS was affordable and offered the flexibility of changeable cartridges
Racing the Beam ARTECA ~ Racing the Beam The Atari Video Computer System Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost ISBN 9780262254939 192 pp March 2009 Content Publisher The MIT Press Platform Studies and Game Studies Racing the Beam This book the first in a series of Platform Studies does so developing a critical approach that examines the relationship between
Racing the Beam org ~ Racing the beam the Atari video computer system Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost p cm — Platform studies Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 9780262012577 hardcover alk paper 1 Video games—Equipment and supplies 2 Atari 2600 Video game console 3 Computer games—Programming 4 Video games— United States
Racing the Beam The Atari Video Computer System Nick ~ A study of the relationship between platform and creative expression in the Atari VCS The Atari Video Computer System dominated the home video game market so completely that “Atari” became
Racing the Beam Ian Bogost ~ Racing the Beam is a study of the most important early videogame console the Atari Video Computer System also known as the Atari VCS or the Atari 2600 Through its main example the book provides unique insight into the role of underlying hardware and software systems in new media
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