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Date : 2008-08-26
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Rating : 3.5
Reviews : 13
Category : Book

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Shibori Knits The Art of Exquisite Felted ~ The world of shibori knitting is vast and relatively unexplored Shibori Knits highlights the intersection between shibori and knitting offering 20 patterns that utilize this transformative technique Internationally acclaimed knitwear designer Gina Wilde guides knitters through three dynamic ways to add shibori to knitting
Shibori Knits The Art of Exquisite Felted Knits by Gina ~ The world of shibori knitting is vast and relatively unexplored Shibori Knits highlights the intersection between shibori and knitting offering 20 patterns that utilize this transformative technique Internationally acclaimed knitwear designer Gina Wilde guides knitters through three dynamic ways to add shibori to knitting
Shibori Knits The Art of Exquisite Felted Knits by Gina ~ Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Shibori Knits The Art of Exquisite Felted Knits by Gina Wilde 2008 Hardcover at the best online prices at eBay Free shipping for many products
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Shibori Knits The Art of Exquisite Felted Knits by Gina Wilde ~ Start by marking “Shibori Knits The Art of Exquisite Felted Knits” as Want to Read The Art of Exquisite Felted Knits Write a review Jan 15 This is a different kind of shibori with the yarn itself acting as the resist Using felting and nonfelting yarns keeps part of the design from felting and shrinking to create
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Shibori and Knitting The New Felting Technique You Must Try ~ Combine them and you have a oneofakind felting technique by Gina Wilde textile artist and author of Shibori Knits The Art of Exquisite Felted Knits Knitting and shibori are both having a trendy moment in the world of DIY One technique allows you to make unqiuely tailoredtoyou accessories
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